How to make a simple do-it-yourself mousetrap


To combat "domestic" rodents, which cause a lot of trouble to owners of private houses and summer cottages, a large number of "chemistry" and devices are produced: poisons, ultrasonic repellers, etc. However, their use is not always advisable: for example, chemical poisonous substances are unsafe for domestic animals, and "electronics" costs a lot of money.

Therefore, the easiest way to fight rodents is a home-made mousetrap, which can be made with your own hands in just a few minutes. The advantage of such designs is that they cost almost free, and are also harmless to humans and domestic animals and pets.

Do-it-yourself mouse trap

To make a home-made mousetrap you will need a glass jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters, a rectangular piece of cardboard (it can be cut from any package), as well as bait - in this case we will use fresh bread soaked in vegetable oil for a more aromatic smell, to which the mice will not remain indifferent.

In a cardboard rectangle with the help of scissors or a clerical knife, we make a small deepening of a triangular shape. Then on one sharp edge of the cardboard we put on a piece of bread and place the bait inside the glass jar. In this case, the cardboard should be installed vertically, and the jar should be supported by the cut-out recess.

After the mouse goes under the glass "cap" and begins to gnaw hard at the bread, it will push the cardboard, causing the trap to slam shut. This method has been tested by time, so there is no doubt in its effectiveness. How to quickly make such a home-made mousetrap, see the video on the site.
