How to make a magnetic "vacuum cleaner" for the workshop


Using a simple compact magnetic vacuum cleaner, you can quickly collect various small things (bolts, screws, nuts, washers, etc.) on the desktop. Such a device can be made with your own hands.

First of all, it will be necessary to cut blanks from plywood. It will take four whetstones, sawed at an angle of 45 degrees, and one blank of a square shape.

We glue the sticks to the square billet (in this case, the author uses hot-melt adhesive). And then you need to fasten a loop to one of the cubes.

The main stages of work

At the next stage, it will be necessary to cut another square blank from plywood. We fasten it to the loop. This is the cover of a magnetic vacuum cleaner. Also, you will need to screw the handle to it.

The author glues a piece of plywood to the inside of the box lid, to which later a round magnet will need to be glued. Where to get such a magnet? It can be removed from the old speaker.

Then it remains only to paint the body of the device with spray paint. Pre plywood can also be sanded.

You can watch more details on how to make a magnetic "vacuum cleaner" for a home workshop and a garage in a video on our website.


Watch the video: Build your electric magnet in 30 seconds Tutorial (October 2024).