Sweet tulip bouquet


Red tulips are spring flowers that symbolize true love. To give a hand-made composition of such flowers is the best way to admit it. For manufacturing you will need:
• red, light purple and green corrugated paper;
• 9 candies;
• threads;
• wooden toothpicks;
• glue stick;
• adhesive tape;
• scissors;
• a simple pencil;
• ruler;
• 20 cm of wire;
• foam blank 6 cm and 7 cm in diameter;
• decorative dragonfly on a pin.

At the first stage, we will make the basis for the composition. We apply a foam blank to a sheet of corrugated paper of light purple color, draw with a pencil 2 circles, which are 1.5 cm larger than it, and cut them with scissors.

Smear in turn with glue-pencil both sides of the workpiece, glue the paper, stretching it. Then we glue the blank around a strip of paper measuring 6 * 22 cm.

We clean one of the ends of the wire from a 1 cm braid. Cut off 2 thin strips of light-purple paper 1 * 25 cm in size.

We wrap the wire with strips of paper, first from the bottom up, then in the opposite direction, their ends are fixed with glue. We make a loop with a pencil and fasten the dragonfly.

We stick the cleaned end into the center of the foam blank. The basis for the composition is ready.

At the next stages, we will decorate the upper and side parts of the base with flowers. First we make 3 large red tulips. We will use candy as a pestle, and a toothpick as a pedicel. We take the candy, on the one hand, we expand the candy wrapper, and on the other, we fasten its end to the base with tape. We string the candy on a toothpick and firmly fix it with tape so that it does not scroll.

For each tulip you need 6 petals, 3 of which will be double. To make them, cut off a strip of red paper measuring 3 * 14 cm, twist above the middle and wrap it under the bottom. For single petals, cut the paper into strips of 3 * 7 cm in size, rounding off their upper edges with scissors. We cut off the lower part of the petals as in the photo. We attach double petals to the toothpick with a thread, then single. Each one is stretched with fingers at the base.

When the flowers are ready, proceed to the leaves - hedgehogs. For each of the three hedgehogs, 3 rectangles of green corrugated paper measuring 7 * 6 cm will be required. Fold so that their ends do not coincide, pierce in the middle with a toothpick, lift the paper up and fix it with tape.

We place tulips and hedgehogs on the base around the dragonfly with a triangle.

On the side we will mount smaller flowers and hedgehogs. Let's start with the flowers, they need six pieces. Cut 18 rectangles 3 * 4.5 cm in size from red paper. We give them the shape of the petals as in the photo, each three we form into a flower.

The technique for making small hedgehogs is the same as for large ones, it differs only in the size of the rectangles - 5 * 4 cm. They will also need 6 pieces.

Visually divide the width of the base into 3 parts. Starting from the top, we attach small hedgehogs under large tulips, slightly lower by 2 small tulips between them.

At the very bottom, between small tulips, add another hedgehog. The sweet bouquet is complete.

Unlike living tulips, these can be enjoyed much longer, and then eat. All inspiration in work and success in creativity!
