You need to have: 100 g of wool of the main color and the remains of about 50 g of woolen threads for ornament, circular knitting needles 3mm, hook 3mm.
We knit a hat on top. The cloth, crocheted, holds its shape better, and we select it for knitting the bottom.
1st row. We close in a circle a chain of 3 air loops.
2nd row. We tie it to the 8th Art. single crochet.
3rd row. Before each eighth loop we add one (of one two) and mark the initial 8 loops with colored threads.
Next, continue knitting st. without a crochet and before the "marked" loop we make an increase through a row. We knit until the circle is about 17 cm in diameter.

Then we knit two rows without additions and proceed to knitting.
We collect on the knitting needles loops. We count their number and select a pattern for knitting a jacquard pattern.

The execution of the ornament is a fundamental point, since all woolen hats are blown by the wind, and with this method, by pulling the threads on the wrong side, the hat turns out to be double, which is much warmer.

Who is not very good at jacquard knitting, then you can alternate loops of different colors through one. We continue knitting to the height of the cap about 8-9 cm and close the loops. Crochet fields art. single crochet. To do this, we knit the stitches closed with knitting needles and continue to work in a circle, not forgetting to add stitches.

Fields can be of different sizes and shapes, it all depends on the frequency and number of such applications. On the heading the additions are made evenly in three places in the front of the headgear.

The loops were added three times through the row. Due to such an addition, small slightly lowered fields are obtained in front, and nothing prevents from the back to calmly raise the collar. Winter is cold!